Thursday, August 09, 2012

Bean pole teepee update

Well, we did attempt to do a beanpole teepee, but we failed miserably.

We planted some seeds inside and were thrilled with how quickly they grew so tall. But they were much too tall before we were ready to plant them. We created a teepee structure out of twigs cut from trees in our yard but we didn't take the time to properly prepare the patch of ground where we placed it. Some of the plants broke during the transplanting into the ground so I planted some seeds directly into the ground to replace the broken plants. It did start out pretty good but it was quickly overcome by weeds. I did try to get rid of as many weeds as I could and I did add some bags of soil around the poles but I didn't do enough weeding or add enough soil. I also had trouble distinguishing between weeds and plants. The final blow was when we had a big wind storm and the structure fell over. I was disappointed but I will try again next year.

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