Saturday, May 08, 2004

Brrrrrr!!!! What a chilly day! We even had snow flurries today! Thank goodness nothing stayed on the ground, but it sure was cold out. I hope it doesn't affect my flowers too much. I didn't do anything in the garden today. Instead I sat inside and worried about what affect the cold was going to have.

I don't think I've mentioned this in my blog before, but I write a bi-weekly gardening column, called "Green Thumbs and Greenhorns", in my local newspaper. I have decided to start a blog for that too, so that people that don't get the local paper can still read the column. You can read the column at this address: You can also click on the link in the links list on the left hand side of this page to go to that blog. I will post the column articles on the blog after they have been published in the paper.

I've had a few calls and emails in response to the column so far, inspite of the fact that I've only written two articles yet. One local caller suggested looking into how much interest there might be in starting a local gardening club. Another caller was a vegetable farmer that shared a wealth of information and invited me to visit his farm. Another caller called from Little Bay Islands and told me a little about her garden and invited me to visit. Someone emailed from Wild Cove asking if I could find out some information about growing roses in our area. I'm looking forward to following up on these calls and emails and hope to receive many more.

If you are interested in creating your own blog, click on the rectangle at the bottom of this page that says "powered by blogger" and follow the instructions. If you'd like some help, I'd be happy to do what I can to help. Email me using the link in the column at the left hand side of this page.

If you do decide to start a gardening blog, please let me know about it. I want to provide a link to your blog from my blog so that more people can know about it. The bigger network of people we develop, the better it will be.

Well, I must sign off. Hopefully the sun will shine brighter tomorrow and the cold will go away.

Happy Gardening!