Friday, June 01, 2012

New home, new community, new gardening opportunities

After laying dormant for almost four years, I have decided to revive this blog.  In August of last year I moved to a new community and into a new house with a totally unlandscaped yard.  Our land measures 75x200.  Lots of space for a lovely garden.  I have hope that I may finally manage to develop a green thumb and be able to trade in my greenhorns.  I have the space to work on it and I have decided to document the process here.

I have no illusions that it will happen quickly.  I know it will be many years in coming for many reasons.  One of those reasons is my own lack of knowledge and experience but another reason is the state of the land at the present time.  While it is a big piece of land, at least in my eyes, it is also a big mess. The house is on some built up land but there are many sloping banks around it and they are not gentle slopes.  It is apparent that there is a whole lot of garbage under the ground as there is a whole lot sticking out of the banks.  Not a pretty scene. We are doing our best to clean it up but it will be a while. 

So, this sleeping blog is waking and it is here that I will share our attempt to turn our yard into something beautiful.  I am writing this for me, because I want to document the journey, but you are welcome to follow along if you want.