Friday, May 14, 2004

It was a beautiful day today. Once again I didn't do much in the garden, however. There's not really much I can do right now. I did check for weeds but things seem to be under control pretty good.

The tulips seem to have had their day. They are not looking so good now. It seems like everyone elses tulips are just getting ready to bloom. I'm not sure why mine bloomed so much earlier than everyone elses.

I think I'll plant some daffodils this fall. I've noticed that there are a number of gardens around that have daffodils in bloom right now.

I finally managed to get the comments feature working on the blog. It took a bit of figuring out but it seems to be working now. That means you can now leave your comments about the blog and they will be available for everyone to read.

Here's how it works. at the bottom of this post there are orange letters that say "# comments". The # is actually the number of comments that have been posted about the post. If you click on it you go to a page that has the post at the top and any comments that have been posted about the post underneath it. Right at the bottom is a link for you to click to post a comment. It's very easy. I hope you take the time to leave a note.

Anyway, that's it for today. Happy gardening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you can see how your comments work!

About the tulips, there are different kinds of tulips (early, mid, late) so maybe yours are all early. I know that in my area, some people have a gorgeous display and some are just getting going. It also depends on the location. I have a very warm bed beside the garage that faces south so everything in there is always weeks ahead of the rest of the garden.
